Sustainable Livlihood
SEWA collectivises 270 poor and marginalised flood-affected artisans and farmers and demonstrates two start-up models of farmer and artisan producer organizations.

Natural Tea Farming
SEWA encourages natural tea cultivation among small tea growers of Assam. SEWA is assisting the capacity building of 100 small tea growers in Assam with the goal of creating an ecologically sustainable plantation, assuring the conservation of ecology and natural inhabitants without damaging soil, air and water, and maintaining sustainable tea production.

Disaster Resilience
Assam is a multi-hazard state and vulnerable to floods, earthquakes, storms, landslides etc. SEWA provided services in conducting comprehensive study to improve the state’s capacity in disaster risk management on Assam’s inland waterways. Engaged in ADB’s Community-Based Flood Risk Management and Livelihood (CBFRML) and ADB’s community resilience and disaster risk preparedness in the Kopili River Basin.

COVID Response Programme
Socio Educational Welfare Association, (SEWA) has work extensively to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19 and also provide services during the lockdown to the needy and poor. There are several initiatives taken up by the COVID-19 response team of SEWA in collaboration with Give2Asia, Save the Children, Jiv Daya Foundation, , NABARD etc.

Mental Health
The mental health programme through the promotion of barefoot counselling in tea plantations of Assam revealed a positive change to address the barriers and challenges for women workers in the workplace, and an environment has been created to access the services for protection and response when violence occurs. The community-based intervention and our trained community Change Makers are capable of reducing workplace and family stress and developing a sustainable mechanism for continuous stress reduction.

Elderly Caregiving Programme
The SEWA Elderly Care Training Program was developed in response to the increasing demand for elderly care. The course is for three months’ duration. Following completion of the training, the trainees are placed throughout the state of Assam. SEWA’s elderly healthcare service is provided by trained caregivers who ensure the consistency of effective home care services and home care standards based on client needs. SEWA is empanelled by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship as Elderly care giving training and placement agency for the state of Assam